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About Us



The 5 Points Marketeer Group (5 PM), formerly known as (Five Points Business District of Observatory Hill), was established after the success of our first community event, "Light Up Night." The businesses in Observatory Hills' were brought together in 2017 by community leader and grassroots organizer Dorrie Smith-Richie, a resident of Observatory Hill. Her focus was to have the businesses stage this event. During our planning meetings, many business owners expressed their concerns about the decline of the business corridor. Their major concern was in changing the look of the business area.  So, in 2018, we formally established the group as a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Unfortunately, post-Covid resulted in the close and decline of the businesses.

After many members stepped down, the remaining members decided it was time to "REIMAGINE & REINVENT" the organization, which is now the 5 Points Marketeer Group.  Our vision is to support and empower handcraft makers of all ages by providing them with the necessary tools through professional development and customer connections. 

 We are reimagining open-space retailing in communities without access to retail shopping. Creating an artistic community where all makers are able to share their craft and achieve their financial potential.


Our current successful project now in phase III, is the Zenshine Gardens Orchard and Labyrinth, located on Kilbuck Road in Riverview Park's Valley Refuge area. Phase III is the installation of a bee apiary for locals to enjoy fresh honey and beekeeping classes, in addition to a fruit orchard and water gardens.




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"Leaders instill in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves. Positive leaders empower people to accomplish their goals." ~ Coretta Scott King

Our Mission

Our Partnerships

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